Please note: The subject index does not link to the DAPICS collections.  Click here to access DAPICS (ICS members).

ICS Historic Archive (Estelle Shohet Brettman Collections)

Jewish Catacombs of Rome

Jewish Catacomb of Vigna Randanini
Jewish Catacombs of Villa Torlonia
Jewish Artifacts in Museums and Collections

Christian and Polytheist Catacombs of Rome

Catacombs of Callisto
Catacombs of Domitilla
Catacombs of Pietro e Marcellino
Catacombs of Priscilla
Catacombs of S. Sebastiano (Ad Catacumbas)
Catacomb of Via Latina (via Dino Compagni)
Other Catacombs in Rome

Small Finds

Catacomb Manuscripts and Prints

Catacombs and Necropoli Outside Rome

Other Archaeological Sites Rome: Historic Maps & Plans

Ostia Antica/Isola Sacra

ICS Study Collection

Plates 1-267 from Joseph Wilpert, Die Malereien der Katakomben Roms, 1903.

Annewies van den Hoek Collections

Catacomb inscriptions

Catacomb inscriptions, Vigna Randanini, Rome
Catacomb inscriptions, Fabretti collection, Urbino

Ancient and Medieval Christian Rome

Abbazia delle Tre Fontane
Mausoleum of Costanza
S. Clemente - lower church and Mithraeum
S. Clemente - upper church
Ss. Cosma e Damiano - apse mosaic
S. Crisogono - lower and upper church
S. Croce in Gerusalemme
S. Francesca Romana
S. Giovanni in Fonte - Lateran Baptistery
S. Lorenzo fuori le mura - summary edition
S. Lorenzo fuori le mura - church interior and exterior
S. Lorenzo fuori le mura - cloister and inscriptions (in preparation)
S. Maria Antiqua
S. Maria Maggiore - apse wall mosaics
S. Maria Maggiore - nave mosaics
Ss. Martino e Silvestro ai Monti
S. Prassede - apse mosaic
S. Pudenziana - apse mosaic
Ss. Quattro Coronati - cloister and inscriptions
Ss. Quattro Coronati - exterior and church
Ss. Quattro Coronati - Oratorio di S. Silvestro
S. Sabina - doors
S. Sabina - church interior and exterior
S. Stefano Rotondo

Museum Exhibitions

Exhibition “Constantino 313 d.C.” - small objects
Exhibition "Light from the Age of Augustine" - African Red Slip Ware Exhibition
Exhibition "Opus Sectile" in Museo Nazionale dell'Alto Medioevo