December 3, 2015: ICS Executive Director public lecture in NYC

AJCO Colloquia December 3 2015NYACK Graduate Program in Ancient Judaism and Christian Origins Colloquia Series on Reading the New Testament as Second Temple Jewish Literature

December 3, 2015, from 10-12 noon

Nyack College NYC, 2 Washington Street, New York City, Room 2241

10-10:40: Jessica Dello Russo.  "Figures in the Shadows: Contextualizing Jewish Tombs in the Catacombs of Rome"

10:40-11:20: Steven Notley.  "Pontius Pilate: Discordant Images in a Historical Portrait"

11:20-12:00: Steven Fine.  "Between Paidea and Sinai: Torah Shrines and the Visual Culture of Diaspora Jews"

Free and Open to the Public