Epigraphic Databases

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Epigraphic Databases with Funerary Inscriptions

AIEGL - Association Internationale d’Epigraphie grecque et latine
Sponsoring organization of the Electronic Archives of Greek and Latin Epigraphy (EAGLE).

ALIP - Ashmoleon Latin Inscriptions Project
Online catalogue of all the Latin inscriptions in the Ashmolean Museum, arranged by topic.

ASGLE - The American Society of Greek and Latin Epigraphy
The American Society of Greek and Latin Epigraphy (Société americaine d'épigraphie grecque et latine) is a non-profit organization that promotes research in, and the teaching of, Greek and Latin epigraphy in North America.

CIL - Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum Open Access
Database administered by Arachne (DAI) and the Archaeological Institute of the University of Cologne.

CSAD - Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents at Oxford
The Centre's "Imaging Inscriptions" page illustrates several hundred inscriptions listed according to geographical region - except for Attic inscriptions, which have been further divided between IG I and IG II texts.

DASI - Digital Archive for the Study of pre-Islamic Arabian Inscriptions
Open-access database at the University of Pisa of nearly 8,000 ancient inscriptions from South Arabia from the pre-Islamic period.

EDB - Epigraphic Database Bari
Digitized Inscriptiones Christianae Urbis Romae (ICUR) with updates, nearly 50,000 texts. Cooperatively linked with images in the photographic archive of the Pontificia Commisione di Archeologia Sacra (PCAS).

EDCS - Epigraphic Database: Clauss-Slaby
The largest database of Latin inscriptions (nearly 500,000 texts), comprising most major (and many minor) collections, often with helpful links to images and other published digital and print editions. Not all duplicate entries have been eliminated and restorations are sometimes dubious, but a helpful place to search the largest collection of epigraphic texts from antiquity.

EDH - The Epigraphic Database Heidelberg
The Epigraphic Database Heidelberg provides editions of the texts of Latin and bilingual (i.e. Latin-Greek) inscriptions of the provinces of the Roman Empire through the sixth century CE (more than 71,000 texts). It is coordinated with Epigraphic Database Roma (EDR): see below.

EDR - Epigraphic Database Roma
The Epigraphic Database Roma provides editions of the texts of Greek and Latin inscriptions of the Italian peninsula, Sardinia, and Sicily through the sixth century CE, with the exception of the Christian inscriptions recorded by the Epigraphic Database Bari (EDB) (more than 71,000 texts). It is coordinated with Epigraphic Database Heidelberg (EDH): see above.

GL - Galleria Lapidaria dei Musei Capitolini (Capitoline Museums, Rome)
In 2005, the subterranean gallery linking the Capitoline palaces was transformed into the Lapidary of Greek and Latin inscriptions in the Capitoline Museum Collection.  The link allows you to search the museum website by provenance, typology, date, and location within the collection.

HE - Hispania Epigraphica
Hispania Epigraphica provides the texts and images of inscriptions of the Iberian peninsula of the Roman period through the sixth century (more than 28,000 records).

ICG - Inscriptiones Christianae Graecae
A database of early Christian inscriptions from Asia Minor and Greece.

IDEA - International Digital Epigraphy Association
Project to expand and enlarge the results of EAGLE and promote use of advanced methodologies in the research, study, enhancement, and publication of “written monuments”.

IG - Inscriptiones Graecae
Project of Die Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften

II/P - Inscriptions of Israel/Palestine
Inscriptions of Israel/Palestine is an ongoing project at Brown University to collect and make accessible over the Web all of the previously published inscriptions (and their English translations) of Israel/Palestine from the Persian period through the Islamic conquest (ca. 500 BCE - 640 CE).

IS - Inscriptions of Sicily/Inscriptiones Siciliae
Digital corpus of inscriptions from Sicily, in Greek, Latin, Phoenician/Punic, Oscan, Hebrew, and Sikel, from the first inscribed texts of the Archaic period (7th-6th centuries BCE) through to those of late Antiquity (5th century CE and later).

LGPN - Lexicon of Personal Greek Names
The Lexicon of Greek Personal Names (LGPN) endeavors to collect and publish all ancient Greek personal names from the 8th century B.C. down to the late Roman Empire.

PCAS - Archivio Pontificia Commisione di Archeologia Sacra
Image bank cooperatively linked with texts in the Epigraphic Database Bari (EDB)

OSEC - Ohio State University Epigraphic Collections
Digitized photographs and squeezes of Greek and Latin inscriptions in IG, Agora, CIL, ICUR, JIWE, etc.

PHI - Searchable Greek Inscriptions
A Scholarly Tool in Progress of The Packard Humanities Institute. It includes Greek inscriptions from the Roman West.

TRI - Trismegistos
Trismegistos is a digital platform of texts from the ancient world, particularly late period Egypt and the Nile valley (roughly BC 800 - 800 AD).

USEP - U.S. Epigraphy Project
Ancient Greek and Latin inscriptions preserved in the United States of America (more than 3,000 texts)

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