Who We Are

International Catacomb Society Officers, Directors and Staff (2023-2024)          

Executive Officers
President, Robin Jensen
Vice President, Arthur Urbano
Treasurer, Pamela Worstell

Secretary, TBD

Board of Directors *
John Ambrose, NH (2024)
David Basile, Janney Montgomery Scott LLC (ex officio)
Jennifer Berry, M.A., Boston Public Schools, Boston, MA (2026)
Matthew Berry, MD, Los Angeles, CA (2026)
John Bodel, Ph.D., Brown University, Providence, RI (2025)
Joan Branham, Ph.D., Providence College, Providence, RI (2025)
Nicola Denzey Lewis, Ph.D., Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA (2025)
Annewies van den Hoek, Ph.D., Harvard University, Cambridge, MA (2024)
Robin Jensen, Ph.D., University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN (2024)
Jodi Magness, Ph.D., University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, NC (2024)
Arthur Urbano, Ph.D., Providence College, Providence, RI (2026)
Alfred Wolsky, Esq., Arlington, MA (2024)
Pamela Worstell, Esq., Wayland, MA (2026)

Advisory Board
Patrick Alexander, Pennsylvania State University Press, University Park, PA
Angelo Di Berardino, O.S.A., Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum, Rome, Italy
Sible de Blaauw, Radbout Universiteit Nijmegen (emeritus), Nijmegen, The Netherlands
William Caraher, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND
Joseph Greene, Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East (retired), Albuquerque, NM
John Herrmann, Museum of Fine Arts (emeritus), Boston, MA
Colum P. Hourihane, Princeton Index of Christian Art, Director (emeritus)
Paolo Liverani, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Florence, Italy; Pontifical Commission for Sacred Archaeology, Vatican City
Christoph Markschies, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Tessa Rajak, Somerville College, Oxford University, Oxford, UK
Zeev Weiss, Institute of Archaeology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel

* ICS Standing and Ad Hoc Committees for 2023-2024:
Financial Affairs: Pamela Worstell (treasurer & chair), John Ambrose, Alfred Wolsky, David Basile (ex officio).
Subcommittee for Development: John Ambrose, John Bodel, Matthew Berry, Annewies van den Hoek, Robin Jensen
Nominating and By-Laws: Alfred Wolsky (chair), Annewies van den Hoek, Robin Jensen.
Academic/Shohet Scholars: Nicola Denzey Lewis (chair), Robin Jensen, John Bodel, Joan Branham, Annewies van den Hoek, Jodi Magness, Arthur Urbano.
Website/Media: Arthur Urbano (chair), Joan Branham, Nicola Denzey Lewis, Annewies van den Hoek, Robin Jensen.
Archives: Jennifer Berry, Matthew Berry, Alfred Wolsky, Pamela Worstell.

Emeriti/Former/In Memoriam:

Mark D. Altschule (1906-1988)
Miriam Balmuth (1925-2004)
Eleanor Bloom (1921-2016)
Jack Bloom (1921-2006)
François Bovon (1938-2013)
Richard Brettman (1923-1991)
Edwina Rhodes Charyk (1926-2013)
Baldassare Conticello (1932-2011)
Jessica Dello Russo
Dennis Flanagan (1919-2005)
Salvatore Fornari (1900-1993)
Anna Frattaroli
Carney Gavin (1939-2014)
James M. Gavin (1907-1990)
Jean E. Gavin (1924-2016)
Sheldon L. Glashow
Milton Glass (1929-2017)
Renee Glass
Lea Glovsky
Dr. Robert M. Goldwyn
Joseph Horn
Jay M. Jaffe (1944-2012)
Jonathan Kagan 
Nonna S. Katz
Liam Kelly
Louise LaGorce Hickey (+1987)
Amy K. Hirschfeld
George E. McCully
Douglas McNair
Henry A. Millon (1927-2018)
Marvin Milton (1931-2015)
David Gordon Mitten (1935-2022)
Robert Morrison (1905-1986)
Walter Murther
Nelida Nassar
Lee M. Nilson
Philip Olander
Leon Pomerance (1907-1988)
John William Pye (1948-2016)
Esther E. Rome (1898-1993)
Nitza Rosovsky (1934-2023)
Nora Lombroso Rossi (1905-2009)
Esther E. Salzman (2006)
Sandra Scheiber
Melvin I. Shapiro (1915-2008)
Sarah Sheldon
Lawrence Shubow (1923-2011)
Marcia Slotnick
Harry Starr (1900-1992)
Allen I. Swartz (1924-2018)
Emma Swartz
Janet Tassel
Theodore H. Teplow (1928-)
Cornelius C. Vermeule (1925-2008)
Howard Weintraub (1930-2011)
Leonard Wolsky, MD (1923-1996)
Judith Wyman

(Photo: Visitors to Vigna Randanini with Alberto Marcocci, long-time caretaker of the catacombs and guide to Estelle Brettman. The visitors are: John Herrmann, Claudia Moser, and Heidi Wendt.)



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