2016 Boston Area Roman Studies Conference: Representations: the world of the word in Late Republican Rome (honoring Ann Vasaly)
Boston University, Department of Classical Studies, 745 Commonwealth Ave., B19, Boston MA 02215
Fri., Apr. 22, 2016, 3:15 – 7 p.m.
The conference is open to anyone interested and is free of charge. Following the conference is a dinner, and those wishing to attend must pre-register. The dinner charge is $30.00 ($20 for graduate students with school ID) and the registration deadline (for dinner only) is April 14, 2016. Register at: http://www.bu.edu/classics/events-news/the-boston-area-roman-studies-conference/
Talks by:
Fred Ahl (Cornell University)
John Bodel (Brown University)
John Dugan (University at Buffalo (SUNY))
Mary Jaeger (University of Oregon)
Roundtable with Ann Vasaly
Sponsored by the Department of Classical Studies and the Boston University Center for the Humanities
For more information, contact Zsuzsa Varhelyi at varhelyi@bu.edu or Melissa Parno at josephmv@bu.edu or 617-353-2427.