The International Catacomb Society is proud co-sponsor of a colloquium organized by Prof. Sarah Madole on current research on the Catacombs of Rome at the 2018 AIA/SCS Joint Annual Meeting in Boston, MA. Many participants are current ICS directors and/or former Shohet Scholars.
SESSION 1J: Colloquium "New Approaches to the Catacombs of Rome"
Friday, January 5, 8:00–10:30 a.m.
Boston Marriott Copley Place, Simmons, 3rd Floor
Sponsored by the International Catacomb Society
ORGANIZER: Sarah Madole, City University of New York–Borough of Manhattan Community College
DISCUSSANT: John Bodel, Brown University
8:00 Introduction (10 min)
8:10 Site-Specific Styles in Roman Catacomb Epigraphy (20 min) Jenny Kreiger, Getty Foundation
8:35 Roman Sarcophagi with Catacomb Contexts: A Case Study (20 min) Sarah Madole, City University of New York–Borough of Manhattan Community College
9:00 Offerings Agricultural and Financial (20 min) Daniel Ullucci, Rhodes College
9:20 Break (10 min)
9:30 Christian Invention and Imagination at the Crypt of the Popes in the Catacombs of Callixtus, Rome (20 min) Nicola Denzey Lewis, Claremont Graduate University
9:55 Exploring Estelle: AIA Advocate, Jewish Site Preservation Pioneer Jessica Dello Russo, Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana
Current and former Shohet Scholars, ICS advisors, and ICS members are participating in other conference sessions and special events. The complete program is here (link).