Estelle Shohet Brettman Archaeology Study Collection (1960-1985) & ICS Study Collection (2004)

American art historian Estelle Shohet Brettman (1925-1991) studied archaeological sites in Italy, Greece, Sicily, Israel, Turkey, Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, Spain, France, England, and Ireland for more than 30 years (1955-1985).

As part of her legacy to preserve and document Mediterranean cultures, the ICS provides open (free) access to the photographic records of Mrs. Brettman's journeys. The ICS owns the images, but grants reproduction rights through a CC public copyright license 4.0.

Instructions: Please click on a word or phrase separated by dashes to view a digital album of photographs.

Ancient Jewish Artifacts in Museums & Other Locations - Catacombs of Villa Torlonia, Rome - Catacombs of Vigna Randanini, Rome - Ancient Jewish Artifacts in the National Museum of Rome - Inscriptions and Sarcophagi from the Catacombs of Rome

Etruscan - Ostia/Isola Sacra - Italy - Pompeii/Campania - Rome - via Appia Antica, Rome - Sicily - Egypt - Greece and Turkey - Israel - Morocco 

ICS Study Collection (2004) of Italy and Tunisia